Number of Credits Required for Graduation

Number of Credits Required for Graduation(Students who began at Iwate University in 2019)

Faculties Departments Courses General education courses Specialized education courses Total
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies 43 82 125
Department of Regional Policy
Faculty of Education Department of Teacher Education Elementary School Education Course 27 109?118 136?145
Junior High School Education Course 107?116 134?143
Science and Mathematics Education Course 112 139
Education for Students with Special Needs Course 108 135
Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Chemistry and Biological Sciences 31 96 127
Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering
Department of Systems Innovation Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant-bioscience 35 91 126
Department of Biological Chemistry and Food Science
Department of Forest Science
Department of Food Production and Environmental Management
Department of Animal Science
Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine *44 158 202

*The Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine program, is a part of the Faculty of Agriculture, is a joint education course with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.